Thursday, May 16, 2013

I'm back!

That is how my first day at work looked like after the surgery:
it was nice, surprising, moving...
My heart and thanks goes to everyone!

On my way to work this glorious morning was feeling happy to see how much everything outside changed just in a week... Trees and flowers are blooming, grass is shining with the greenest color and beautiful bright blue sky smiling at me with the sunny rays...
There were people, there was crazy fussy life right outside of my car window, I was listening my favorite NPR and thinking: "Life is GOOD!"

That happy feeling was fading by the end of my first day back - the leg is still sore, piles of backed up tests still await my touch, but...
... would like to remember and cherish the "goodies" - they give us much needed strength and energy for each and every coming day with all of the mixed in components...
Just keep on smiling, even when it rains!

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